Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Online Service Platform for International Students
ZSTU Freshmen Scholarship

Essential information

Scholarships Applied


Values of Scholarships

Application Time

ZSTU Freshmen Scholarship

Master’s and Doctoral degree candidates

one academic year’s tuition


Bachelor’s degree candidates

one academic year’s tuition


Long-term non-degree candidates(one semester and above)

50% of one academic year or 50% of one semester’s tuition



Candidates: Master’s degree candidates, Bachelor’s degree candidates and Long-term non-degree candidates

Values of scholarships

1, Master’s degree candidates: one academic year’s tuition.

2, Bachelor’s degree candidates: one academic year’s tuition.

3, Long-term non-degree candidates: waive 50% of one academic year or 50% of one semester’s tuition.

Quota: based on the overall planning of the scholarship budget of the school in that year.

Application Materials: Applicants shall log on the Online Application System:http://apply.zstu.edu.cn/, and upload the following materials:

1. A photocopy of your valid passport.

2. A photocopy of your valid Visa or Residence Permit if you are already in China.

3. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.

4. Notarized copy of transcripts. Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.

5. Foreigner Physical Examination Report (the report is valid for 6 months).

6. Applicants for master or doctoral degree studies and senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation by professors or associate professors.

7. Study certificate (includes class attendance) and transcripts given by the previous university in China (if applicable).

8. Applicants under 18 should submit the legal documents of their legal guardians in China.

9. Certificate of Language Achievement (HSK Certificate or TOEFL, IELTS transcript, etc.)

10. Other supporting materials (if applicable)

11. The letter of acceptance from the Master/Doctoral Tutors of ZSTU (if applicable).

Eligibility Requirements

1. Basic Requirements

(1) Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and in good health.

(2) Applicants must abide by the laws, regulations and rules of the People’s Republic of China and ZSTU.

(3) Applicants may not be beneficiaries of any other scholarships at the time of application.

(4) Applicants must meet the requirements prescribed in

(5) Applicants must have no bad records.

II、Other Requirements

(1)Applicants for doctoral degree studies should at least hold a master's degree and a competitive academic record.

(2)Applicants for master's degree studies should at least hold a bachelor's degree and a competitive academic record.

(3) Applicants for bachelor's degree studies should at least hold a high school diploma and a competitive academic record.

(4) Applicants for long-term language programs should have a competitive academic record; Applicants who plan to continue to study in ZSTU are preferred.

(5) Applicants for the programs instructed in Chinese are preferred to have a valid HSK certificate at or above Band 5 (180 and above); Applicants for the programs instructed in English are preferred to have a valid certificate of TOTEL (78 and above) or IELTS (6 and above).

(6) Applicants for master's degree studies have the letter of acceptance from the Master/Doctoral Tutors of ZSTU are preferred.

(7) Applicants with stylistic expertise are preferred under the same condotions.

Contact information: 0086-571-86843679, admission2@zstu.edu.cn

How to Apply:

1、Applicants have to log on the Online Application System:http://apply.zstu.edu.cn/to fill the information online

Ways to get the information:



2、Add the WeChat number “ZSTU-ISO”, scan QR Code
