Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Online Service Platform for International Students
Campus Life

Campus Clinic

Location: on the west of the Stadium

Telephone: 86843165

Xiasha Oriental Hospital

Address: No. 9 on the Ninth Avenue of Xiasha Economic Development Area

Telephone: 86919354,86919300

Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital Affiliated with College of Medicine, Zheijang University (with an international clinic department)

Address: No. 3 on Qing Chun Road, Hangzhou

Telephone: 86090073

Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital Affiliated with College of Medicine, Zheijang University (Xiasha Hospital )

Address: No. 368 on Xiasha Road, Hangzhou

Telephone: 87887077

Website: http://www.srrsh.com/index.php

The First Affiliated Hospital of College of Medicine, Zhejiang University

Address: No. 79 on Qing Chun Road, Hangzhou

Telephone: 87236668,87236336

Website: http://www.zy91.com/

The Second Affiliated Hospital of College of Medicine, Zhejiang University

Address: No. 88 on Jie Fang Road, Hangzhou

Telephone: 87783777

Website: http://www.z2hospital.com/cms/default.aspx

Stomatology Hospital, Zhejiang University College of Medicine(near the Line 1 Subway station “Fengqi Road” )

Address: No. 395, Yan An Road, Hangzhou

Telephone: 87217218,87217416


Hangzhou Third People’s Hospital (near the Line 1 Subway Station “Hangzhou Railway Station ”)

Address: No. 38 West Lake Avenue, Hangzhou

Telephone: 87823126 (daytime), 87825107 (night)
