Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Online Service Platform for International Students
Campus Life

Bicycles are strongly recommended for on-campus transportation. The morning bicycle jam on the roads to the classrooms has always been a sight to behold.

No motorbike or fuel-powered scooter shall hit the road, otherwise it will be detained once detected.

Driving without licenses is prohibited. Foreign students shall not drive with a license issued by the said foreign country, or international driving licenses. International driving license shall be transformed to Chinese driving license at Hangzhou Municipal Automobile Administration Office before it is used in Hangzhou.

One shall ride an electric bike with a speed of not more than 15km/hour.

Important Traffic Information

(1) Shanghai Pudong International Airport

Students who arrive in Shanghai Pudong International Airport can take the airport shuttle bus to Hangzhou first and then take a taxi to Xiasha (the taxi fare is about 100-150 Yuan)

Bus Schedule (from Pudong International Airport to Hangzhou)

Departure Hours

8:40 9:50 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:40 17:25 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00

Bus Schedule (from Hangzhou to Pudong International Airport)

Departure Hours

5:30 6:10 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

Boarding Places in Hangzhou: Hangzhou Civil Aviation Bus Center on Tiyuchang Road and a stopover at Yellow Dragon Tourist Bus Center.

(2) Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport

Students who arrive in Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport can take the airport shuttle bus or a taxi to Xiasha (about half an hour’s ride, the taxi fare is about 100 Yuan). Airport shutter bus schedule:

Bus Schedule (from Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport to Xiasha)

Departure Hours

08:20 09:30 11:00 12:30 14:00 15:30 18:00 19:30

Bus Schedule (from Xiasha to Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport)

Departure Hours

07:15 09:20 10:30 12:10 13:40 15:10 16:30 18:15

Boarding Places at Xiasha: Hangzhou HEDA Citizen Center (Jinshahu Subway Station) and Grand New Century Hotel (No. 297 on the Fifth Avenue of Xiasha)

(3) Booking Air Ticket

Ctrip.com International Ltd.


Tel: 4008206666-6 (English)

Payment: credit card

Zheda Ticket Service


Tel: 0571-86591000 86983680 86983681

Payment: credit card or cash

(4) Train

Students who want to take trains can buy tickets at the Ticketing Hall at Hangzhou Railway Station or two train ticket agencies in Xiasha

Addresses of train ticket agencies in Xiasha:

Higher Education Zone Train Ticket Agency: No.616 shop, No.6 Avenue, Xiasha
Xueyuan Street Train Ticket Agency: G5-1, No. 445 at Xueyuan Street, Xiasha

Hangzhou Railway Station: No. 1 Railway Station Square on Huancheng East Road (via Bus K525)

(5) Coach

Students who want to take coaches can buy tickets at coach stations or postal offices in Xiasha.

Coach Stations in Hangzhou:

Hangzhou Jiubao Coach Station

Address: near the cross of Hanghai Road and Desheng Road

Telephone: 87650678

Hangzhou South Coach Station

Address: No.407 on Qiutao Road

Telephone: 86075352

Hangzhou West Coach Station

Address: No. 357 on Tianmushan Road

Telephone: 85222237

Hangzhou North Coach Station

Address: No. 766 on Moganshan Road

Telephone: 88097761

For more information, please refer towww.hzcy.com

(6) Main Bus Routes

Students can take the following buses to Hangzhou downtown,

Metro Line 1

Stops: Xianghu, Binkang Road, Xixing, Binhe Road, Jiangling Road, Jinjiang, Wujiang Road, Hangzhou Railway Station, Ding’an Road, Longxiang Qiao, Fengqi Road, Wulin Square, Westlake Cultural Square, Datieguan, Zanongkou, East Railway Station, Pengbu, Qibao, Jiuhe Road, Jiubao, Coach Center, West Xiasha, Jinsha Lake, Gaosha Road, Wenze Road(west of the South Gate of ZSTU at No.2 Avenue)

Route Number: B1

Stops: Yellow Dragon Bus Stop, Bazi Bridge, North of Wulin Square, Hangzhou Public Transport Group, East Coach Station, Pengbu, Yaochang, South of Babao, Yanggong Village, Xinfu Bridge, No. 1 Road, Xueyuan Street, Wenze Road, Xueyuan Street and Wenshuo Road Cross, East of Xiasha Higher Education Zone

Route Number: B 4

Stops: Times Electronics Market, Songjiangcun, Cuiyuan Yiqu, Wenyi Road and Xueyuan Road Cross, Provincial Party School, South of Desheng Residential Quarter, East Desheng Residential Quarter (Desheng Road, Desheng Road and Jiuhuan Road Cross, North of Jiubao Coach Center, Yueya River Bridge, Desheng Road and Yueya Road Cross, Xueyuan Street and Wenze Road Cross, China Jiliang University, Xueyuan Street and Wenjin Road Cross, Xueyuan Street and Wenhui Road Cross, East of xiasha Higher Education Zone



