Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Online Service Platform for International Students
School of Materials Science and Engineering

Founded in June 2019, the School of Materials Science and Engineering traces its roots back to the silk fibre materials and textile materials: the School of Fibre Engineering was established in December 1994 and was renamed the School of Materials and Textiles in December 1999. At present, it has a quality team of faculties and a solid network of facilities and instruments.

The school is subdivided into two departments, Dept. of Polymer Materials and Dept. Materials Engineering and offers versatile educational programs including bachelor, master and doctoral programs, and post-doctoral research program. Materials Science and Engineering was selected as the top discipline (Class A) by Zhejiang Province. The major of Materials Science and Engineering, certified by the China Engineering Education Accreditation Association (CEEAA), is the key and preponderant major approved by Zhejiang Province. Since 2012, Material Science has been ranked among the Top 1% in Essential Science Indicator (ESI). Enter the top 5‰ in 2020.

The school has nearly 1000 full-time students in different programs, including 400 undergraduate students, 500 postgraduate students, 40 PhD candidates and over 10 foreign students. It values the philosophy of person-centred education by quality teaching and great achievements in student training. Over the past three years, the faculties won 6 prizes of “Provincial Teaching Achievements” and 1 prize of “Provincial Excellent Textbook”. The students accomplished 30 projects of innovation and entrepreneurship at provincial and national levels (13 national projects) and won more than 30 prizes including 1 prizes of the First Prize and 3 prizes of the Second Prize in the national “Challenge Cup”.

There are 80 full-time faculties including 16 professors. The faculties have received many honours and awards from the Chinese governments at provincial and national levels: 1 Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering,1 Academician of Japanese Academy of Engineering, 1 MOE Innovation Team, 1 board member of the Academic Review Committee of the State Department, 1 awardee of the “National Thousand Talent Plan”, 2 awardees and innovation leaders of the “National Ten-Thousand Talents Plan”, 1 Provincial Senior Specialist, 1 winner of the “National New Century Talents Project”,2 winners of “MOE New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Plan”,3 chair professors of “Qian Jiang Scholar”. The faculties are highly educated, most of whom have overseas study or work experience.

The school owns four national-level laboratories including National Laboratory of Engineering, MOE Key Laboratory and Base for International Technological Exchange and Cooperation. At the provincial level, there are Key Laboratories, Engineering Laboratory, Base for International Technological Exchange and Cooperation, “2011 Collaborative Innovation Centre”, and International Joint Research Centre. Through the cooperation of school and enterprise, eight Joint Innovation Service Centres have been established. In the recent years, the faculties have been in charge of many research projects, supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China and Ministry of Science and Technology of China, etc, and have won 3 National Prizes and more than 80 provincial-level prizes.

The school has been awarded as the “National Educational Advanced Unit”, the “Provincial Three Aspects of Education Advanced Unit”, etc. Now, the school is sparing no efforts to carry forward its school spirit of “openness, collaboration, competition and harmony”, to take new opportunities and start new journeys in the new era, and to stride forward to build the school into a high-level teaching-research-style institution of distinct characteristics as soon as possible.

Postgraduate Programs:(Marked with ※ can be instructed in English)
Ph.D:(Marked with ※ can be instructed in English)