Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
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School of Mechanical Engineering

The School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation (SMEA) is an engineering school with a long history, distinct characteristics and abundant academic staffs in Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. The SMEA has mechanical engineering first level discipline authorized to grant doctorate degree and post-doctor stations. It has four first level disciplines authorized to grant master degree including Mechanical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, and two disciplines to grant master of engineering including Mechanical, Energy and Power. Mechanical Engineering is distinctive discipline in the key universities of Zhejiang province, provincial first level discipline of class A and the top-key discipline. Control Science and Engineering is the first-rate provincial key discipline in Zhejiang province, Fluid Machinery and Engineering and Control Theory and Control Engineering are the provincial key disciplines in Zhejiang province. The school has 3 national level scientific research platforms: National-Provincial Joint engineering laboratory for fluid transmission system technology, National-Provincial joint research center for mechanical and electrical product reliability, National-level international cooperation base on fluid machinery and engineering, and 13 provincial and ministerial research platforms. In addition, the SMEA has a number of cultivation platforms: 2 National-level centers of Mechanical experiment teaching demo center, National-level textile machinery experimental teaching center of virtual simulation and National demonstration base for joint training of engineering graduate students. SMEA has a high-quality teaching and scientific research team consisting of 234 staff among them 42 are professors and 38 doctoral supervisors. It has national level or provincial and ministerial level talents such as one academician of Canadian Academy of engineering, one distinguished professor of Yangtze River scholars, a chair professor of Yangtze River scholars, one winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.

The SMEA consists of eight departments and 2 centers, including Department of Mechanical Design, Manufacture and Automation, Department of Mechatronics, Department of Automation, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Measurement Control Technology and Instrument, Department of Industrial Engineering, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Department of Intelligent manufacturing Engineering, Modern Textile Equipment Research Centre and Mechanical Engineering Experimental Teaching Centre. It has 8 undergraduate majors, Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, Mechatronics Engineering, Energy and Power Engineering, Automation, Electrical Engineering and Automation, Measurement Control Technology and Instruments, Intelligent manufacturing Engineering and Robotics Engineering.

Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation is the National first-class undergraduate Discipline and National Characteristic Discipline, Experimental major of “Excellent Engineer Training Program”. It has already passed the engineering education accreditation. And it also offers English teaching courses.

Mechatronics Engineering is a comprehensive major combined mechanics, electronics, computer and control technology, it is Experimental major of “Excellent Engineer Training Program”. It is aim of cultivating engineering and technical personnel with systematic professional knowledge.

Energy and Power Engineering is a compound major of Interdisciplinary integration. It is devoted to cultivate advanced technology talents with the knowledge of Energy and environmental systems, fluid machinery and Process equipment control.

Automation is the National first-class undergraduate Discipline and the Zhejiang province key construction major. It has already passed the engineering education accreditation. It has Zhejiang Provincial Demonstration Center for Experimental Teaching of Control Science and Instrument Technology. The students in this major are trained to have the knowledge of control theory, measurement technique and signal processing.

Electrical Engineering and Automation belongs to electrical information field. Supported by Zhejiang Provincial Demonstration Center for Experimental Teaching of Control Science and Instrument Technology, it is trying to cultivate senior talents who can work on the field of electronic technique and computer technology application.

Measurement Control Technology and Instruments is the Provincial first-class undergraduate Discipline of Zhejiang, new characteristic major in Zhejiang provincial. It has already passed the engineering education accreditation The features of this major include Micro/Nanometer Drive technology, Wireless sensing and IOT technology and Measurement Control Technology and Instruments of Textile.

Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering is a major aiming to cultivate inter-disciplinary talents with the knowledge of Mechanical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology. It has Talent Training Base of culture and educational exchange in intelligent manufacturing field of the Ministry of Education. So that Graduates can engage in work of new generation intelligent product, equipment.

Robotics Engineering is a major which face to the strategy of becoming a powerful country and technology and industry developing of Zhejiang Province, with the characteristics of highly integrated technology and multi-disciplinary, combined with the knowledge of Mechanical, Mechanics, Mathematics, Electronic, Sensor, Computer, Auto-Control, AI and etc., in order to cultivate the advanced inter-disciplinary talents.

Undergraduate Programs:(Marked with ※ can be instructed in English)
Postgraduate Programs:(Marked with ※ can be instructed in English)
Ph.D:(Marked with ※ can be instructed in English)