Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Online Service Platform for International Students
ZSTU International Students Sports Games Celebrating New Year
Source: Release time:2018-12-27 Views:15393

In order to celebrate the new year, 2019 International Students New Year Sports Games, co-organised by School of International Education and Department of PE, was held in the indoor stadium in the 26th Dec afternoon. Over 100 students from more than 20 countries participated in the activity.

The four events are all competitive which let every team member united. A spirit of a teamwork is created as well as the friendship between each other.There are also snack and books for every international students to share, which is also warmly welcomed. And every participats get a warm New Year gift.

It is a great platform for ZSTU international students to learn, communicate and play sports games, where everyone got exercise and friendship.

Hope everyone can embrace the coming New Year 2019 in a upwarding and active condition!

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