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时间:2019-05-08 19:23:36  点击数:

林海翔(Hai Xiang Lin)博士系荷兰Leiden大学、Delft理工大学教授,已受聘我校金沙学者讲座教授。于1979年考入清华大学,1979年赴荷兰代尔夫特理工大学留学,在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学分别获得学士、硕士和博士学位。林海翔教授的主要研究兴趣是:高性能计算、并行分布算法、大规模复杂系统建模与仿真。是并行分布计算与数据建模仿真领域知名学者。他承担了欧洲、荷兰10多项科研项目,发表研究论文100多篇。担任多个国际学术期刊编委、学术会议程序委员会主席/副主席,曾担任全欧华人专业协会联合会主席、荷兰华人学者工程师协会主席,曾获荷兰女皇勋章;担任中国科学院大学、山东大学、广西大学访问(客座)教授。


1. S. Lu, A. Heemink, H.X. Lin, G. Fu, A Segers (2017), Evaluation criteria on the design for assimilating remote sensing data using variational approaches, Monthly Weather Review 145(6), pp.2165-2175
2. K. Xi, J. L. A. Dubbeldam, H.X. Lin (2017) Synchronization of cyclic power grids: equilibria and stability of the synchronous state, Chaos, Vol.27(1) DOI:10.1063/1.4973770.
3. L.C. Ye, J.F.D. Rodrigues, H.X. Lin (2017), Analysis of feed-in tariff policies for solar photovoltaic in China 2011–2016, Applied Energy, 203, pp.296-505
4. G. Fu, H.X. Lin, A.W. Heemink, S. Lu, A. Segers, N. van Velzen, T.C. Lu, and S.M. Xu (2017), Accelerating volcanic ash data assimilation using a mask-state algorithm based on an ensemble Kalman filter: a case study with the LOTOS-EUROS model (version 1.10), Geoscientific Model Development, 10, pp.1751–1766
5. G. Fu, F. Prata, H.X. Lin, A.W. Heemink, S. Lu, A.J. Segers (2017) Data assimilation for volcanic ash plumes using a Satellite Observational Operator: a case study on the 2010 Eyjafjallajokull volcanic eruption, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol17(2), pp. 1187—1205, DOI: 10.5194/acp-17-1187-2017
6. Y. Huang, C. Zhong, H.X. Lin, J. Wang (2017) A Method for Finding Metabolic Pathways Using Atomic Group Tracking, PLOS ONE, 12(1).
7. Y. Huang, C. Zhong, H.X. Lin, J. Huang (2016) Aligning Metabolic Pathways Exploiting Binary Relation of Reactions, PLOS ONE, 11 (12).
8. S. Lu, H.X. Lin, A. Heemink, A Segers, G. Fu (2016) Estimation of volcanic ash emissions through assimilating satellite data and ground-based observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Vol. 121 (18), pp. 10971–10994.
9. G. Fu, A.W. Heemink, S. Lu, A.J. Segers, K. Weber, H.X. Lin (2016) Model-based aviation advice on distal volcanic ash clouds by assimilating aircraft in-situ measurements, Atmospheric Chemical Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-2016-166,
10. S. Lu, H.X. Lin, A.W. Heemink, G. Fu, A. Segers (2016), Estimation of volcanic ash emissions using trajectory-based 4D-Var data Assimilation, Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 143, pp.575-589.
11. L.C. Ye, J.R. Liang, H.X. Lin (2016) A fast pessimistic diagnosis algorithm for hypercube-like networks under the comparison model, IEEE Trans. on Computer, Vol. 65(9), pp.2884-2888.
12. G. Fu, H.X. Lin, A.W. Heemink, A.J. Segers, S. Lu, T. Palsson (2015) Assimilating aircraft-based measurements to improve Forecast Accuracy of Volcanic Ash Transport, Atmospheric Environment, Vol.115, pp. 170-184.
13. S.M. Xu, W. Xue, H.X. Lin (2013), Performance Modeling and Optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on NVIDIA CUDA Platform. The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 63, No.3, pp.710-721.
14. Khairullah, M., Lin, H.X., Hanea, R.G., & Heemink, A.W. (2013). Parallelization of Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) for Oil Reservoirs with Time-lapse Seismic Data. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Mathematical Science and Engineering, 7(7), 386-395.
15. S.M. Xu, W. Xue, K. Wang, H.X. Lin (2012), Fast Time Domain Simulation of Power Systems using Multilevel Preconditioners with Adaptive Reconstruction Strategies, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol.25, 2012, pp. 90-105.
16. Lin, HX (2012). Communication scheduling in parallel task executions on large parallel systems. Telkomnika, 10(4), 599-606.
17. Ke Wang, Wei Xue, Hai Xiang Lin, Shiming Xu, Weimin Zheng (2011), Updating preconditioner for iterative method in time domain simulation of power systems, Journal Sci China Techn. Sci., Vol. 54, No.4, pp. 1024-1034.
18. S.M. Xu, W. Xue, K. Wang, H.X. Lin (2011), Generating Approximate Inverse Preconditioners for Sparse Matrices using CUDA and GPGPU, Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology, Vol.5, No.3, pp. 475-500.



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