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·2024-6-20-广西民族大学-简金宝-A partially feasible Jacobi-type distributed SQO method for two-block general linearly constrained smooth optimization 2024/06/23
·2024-6-21-Illinois Institute of Technology-Xiaofan Li-Finite difference approximation with ADI scheme for two-dimensional Keller-Segel equations 2024/06/19
·2024-6-20-Loyola University Maryland-Jiyuan Tao-On the independence of linear and quadratic forms in matrix normal distribution and Wishart distribution 2024/06/19
·2024-6-20-暨南大学-林义尊-Fixed-point type algorithms and their applications in medical imaging and machine learning 2024/06/19
·2024-6-14-上海师范大学-王晚生-Efficient stability-preserving numerical methods for nonlinear coercive problems in vector space 2024/06/12

·2024-6-3-南京大学-陈彩华-Optimization, learning and applications 2024/06/02
·2024-5-27-纽芬兰纪念大学-欧春华-Determining spreading speeds for abstract time-periodic monotone semiflows 2024/05/26
·2024-4-28-上海交通大学-肖冬梅-Propagation dynamics of population models in a moving source 2024/04/28
·2024-4-28-广州大学-庾建设-Periodic dynamics of a single species model based on seasonal Michaelis-Menten type harvesting 2024/04/28
·2024-4-26-中科院-马思远-Sharp decay for a wave system with the weak null condition 2024/04/25

·2024-4-26-中科院-张晓-Spherically symmetric Einstein-scalar-field equations for wave-like and slowly particle-like decaying null infinity 2024/04/25
·2024-4-25-杜克新加坡国立大学-许菁-Micro-randomized trial design and data analysis for mobile health studies 2024/04/25
·2024-4-19-北京大学-李若-北太天元·逆数而行 2024/04/19
·2024-4-16-杭州师范大学-曹健-q-Partial differential equations and q-operational equations for Askey Scheme q-polynomials 2024/04/15
·2024-4-16-杭州师范大学-郭军伟-A new family of q-hypergeometric congruences from Andrews' multi-series transformation 2024/04/15
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