另外,章旭明博士多年潜心研究的科研成果已经得到了很好的工业应用,完成专利转化两项,提出了基于等离子体-催化技术的管路原位恶臭气体处理系统,典型的成果应用有新奥集团污水处理池的恶臭气体治理项目(20000 m3/h风量)、通用汽车(烟台)的恶臭气体治理项目(18000 m3/h风量)和锦江环境垃圾发电的恶臭治理项目(260000m3/h),并出口到日本和东南亚地区。
● 方向1,等离子体的产生及应用;
● 方向2,等离子体辅助化石燃料重整制洁净燃料或高附加值化学品;
● 方向3,等离子体在废气治理方向的应用。
1. 国家自然科学基金,液态烷烃鼓泡放电同步制氢与含氧碳氢燃料的机理研究11775189,56万,2018.1~2021.12,排名1;
2. 国家自然科学基金,氨气放电净化过程中硝酸铵的形成及静电捕集特性研究12375253,53万,2024.1~2027.12,排名1;
3. 浙江省教育厅,油水鼓泡放电重整液态烷烃产生洁净燃料的特性研究,1260HZ0417983,1万,2018.1~2019.12,排名1;
4. 美的厨电,低温等离子体发生器,6万,2017.4~2017.10,排名第1;
5. 阿美石油公司,Plasma assisted hydrocarbon cracking for light olefins,7.2万美元,2014.9~2015.5,排名第1。
6. 各类企业横向项目约300余万元。
1) X. Zhang, M. Cha, “Partial oxidation of methane in a temperature-controlled dielectric barrier discharge reactor”Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 (2015) 3447-3454; SCI
2) X. Zhang, F. Feng, S. Li, X. Tang, Y. Huang, Z. Liu, K. Yan, “Aerosol formation from styrene removal with an AC/DC streamer corona plasma system in air”,Chem. Eng. J.232 (2013) 527-533.
3) S. Yao, X. Shen,X. Zhang* et al.,Sustainable removal of particulate matter from diesel engine exhaust at low temperature using a plasma-catalytic method,Chem. Eng. J., 327(2017)343-350
4) Z. Wu, Z. Zhu, X. Hao,X. Zhang*et al.,Enhanced Oxidation of Naphthalene Using Plasma Activation of TiO2/diatomite catalyst,Journal of Hazardous Material,347 (2018) 48-57
5) S. Yao, H. Zhang, andX. Zhang*et al.,A Novel Four-Way Plasma-Catalytic Reactor for The Aftertreatment of Diesel Engine Exhausts,Ind. Chem. Eng. Res.57 (4), 1159-1168,
6) X. Zhang,M. Cha, “The reformation of liquid hydrocarbons in an aqueous discharge reactor”,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.48 (2015) 215201
7) X. Zhang, M. Cha, Tailored reforming of n-dodecane in an aqueous discharge reactor,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 49 2016 (175201)
8) X. Zhang, M. Cha,“Electron-induced dry reforming of methane in a temperature-controlled dielectric barrier discharge reactor”,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.46 (2013) 415205 (10pp)
9) X. Zhang, W. Feng, Z. Yu, S. Li, J. Zhu, K. Yan, “Comparison of styrene removal in air by positive and negative DC corona discharges”,Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.,10 (2013) 1377-1382
10) X. Zhang, B. Lee, H. Im, M. Cha, Ozone production with dielectric barrier discharge: effects of power source and humidity,IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 44 (2016) 2288-2296;
11) X. Zhang, Y. Huang, Z. Liu, K. Yan, “Aerosol emission and collection in styrene-contaminated air remediation with a multi-stage plasma system”,Journal of Electrostatics,76 (2015) 31-38
12) X. Zhang, J. Zhu, X. Li, Z. Liu, X. Ren, K. Yan, “Characteristics of Styrene
Removal with an AC/DC Streamer Corona Plasma System”,IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.,6 (2011) 1481-1488;
13) X. Zhang, W. Chen,J. Zhu,W. Feng,K. Yan, “Aerosol formation and decomposition of benzene derivatives by AC/DC streamer corona discharge,”IJPEST. 4 (2010) 130-134;
14) S. Yao, S. Weng, andX. Zhang*et al.,Characteristics of OH production by O2/H2O pulsed dielectric barrier discharge,Vacuum, 126 (2016) 16-23
15) S. Yao, S. Weng, Q. Jin, andX. Zhang* et al.,“Comparison of gasoline-ranged n-alkanes conversions using dielectric barrier discharge: a kinetic study,”Plasma Chem. Plasma Process.,37(2016)137-148.
16) S. Yao, X. Shen andX. Zhang*et al.,“Metal sulfates enhanced plasma oxidization of diesel particulate matter,”IEEETrans. Plasma Sci.,45 (2017) 2984-2987.
17) L. Cai, H. Sha, G. Xie,X.Zhang*,Treatment of Styrene-Contaminated Air Using Combined Process of Microelectrolysis and Biotrickling Filter,Environmental Engineering Science,https://doi.org/10.1089/ees.2017.0460, 2018
18) Z. WU, X.HAO andX. Zhang*,N-pentane activation and products formation in a temperature-controlled dielectric barrier discharge reactor,Plasma Source Science and Technology,27(2018)115002
19) Z. WU, X.HAO andX. Zhang*,Plasma reforming of n-pentane as a simulated gasoline to hydrogen and cleaner carbon-based fuels,Energy,189(2019), 116265
20) Zuliang Wu, Weili Zhou; Zhoubin Zhu; Xiaodong Hao; Xuming Zhang*, Enhanced oxidation of xylene using plasma activation of an Mn/Al2O3 catalyst,IEEETrans. Plasma Sci.,48(2020)163-172
21) X. Zhang*, Y. Wenren, W. Zhou et al., Dry reforming of methane in a temperature-controlled dielectric barrier discharge reactor: disclosure of reactant effect,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.53 194002, 2020.
22) X. Zhang, J. Han et al., Characteristics of Ammonia Oxidation in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor,IEEETrans. Plasma Sci., 48 (2020), 3616-3520
23) B. Jiang, X. Zhang* et al., Plasma-enhanced low temperature NH3-SCR of NOx over a Cu-Mn/SAPO-34 catalyst under oxygen-rich conditions, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 286 (2021) 119886.
24) X. Zhang, Y. Wenren, et al., Partial oxidation of n-pentane to syngas and oxygenates in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor, Fuel,307(2022)121814.
25) Y. Huang, L. Zhang,X. Zhang*, S. Li, Z. Liu, K. Yan*, “Electroacoustic Process Study of Plasma Sparker Under Different Water Depth”,IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 99 (2015) 1-9 (10.1109/JOE.2014.2382451)
26) L. Zhang, Q. Yang, Y. Huang1*,X.Zhang2*, Z. Liu, K. Yan, Experimental Studies on Electric and Optic Characteristics of Pulsed Streamer Discharge on Water Surface,To be submitted, 2018
27) F. Feng, X. Shen, Q. Zheng, S. Dai,X. Zhang, Y. Huang, Z. Liu, K. Yan, “Characteristics of back corona discharge in a honeycomb catalyst and its application for VOCs treatment”Environ. Sci. Technol. 49 (2015) 6831-6837
28) Y. Huang, L. Zhang,X. Zhang, Z. Liu, K. Yan, “The Plasma-Containing Bubble Behavior Under Pulsed Discharge of Different Polarities”,IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.,99 (2015)(10.1109/TPS.2014.2387193)
29) Y. Chen, Y. Li,X. Zhang, A. Zhu, Y. Huang, Z. Liu, K. Yan, “Degradation of Aqueous Rhodamine B with Gaseous Streamer Corona Plasma”,IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 99 (2015) 828-835.共享通讯作者
30) Y. Huang, S. Dai, F. Feng,X. Zhang,Z. Liu, K. Yan, “Toluene Removal by a Two-Stage DBD-catalyst System”Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(2015)19240-19250.
31) Y. Huang, H. Yan, B. Wang,X. Zhang,Zhen Liu, and K. Yan, “The electro-acoustic transition process of pulsed corona discharge in conductive water”J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (2014) 255204 (16pp);
32) L. Ye, F. Feng, J. Liu, X. Tang,X. Zhang, Y. Huang, Z. Liu, and K. Yan, “Toluene Decomposition by a Two-stage Hybrid Plasma Catalyst System in Dry Air”,IEEETrans. Plasma Sci., 9 (2014)3529-3538.
33) X. Tang, F. Feng, L. Ye,X. Zhang,Y. Huang, Z. Liu, K. Yan,“Removal of dilute VOCs in air by post-plasma catalysis over Ag-based composite oxide catalysts”,Catalysis Today.211 (2013) 39-43.
34) J. Zhu,X. Zhang, W. Chen, Y. Shi, and K. Yan, “Electrostatic precipitation of fine particles with a bipolar pre-charger”,Journal of Electrostatics, 68 (2010) 174-178;
35) J. Chen, Q. Su, H. Pan, J. Wei,X. Zhang, S. Yao, “Influence of balance gas mixture on decomposition of dimethyl sulfide in a wire-cylinder pulse corona reactor,”Chemosphere, 75 (2009) 261-265;
36) X. Li,X. Zhang, J. Zhu, W. Feng and K. Yan, “Sensitivity analysis on coal-fired ash resistivity in terms of its compositions and gasous water concentration,”Journal of Electrostatics, 70(2012) 83-90;
37) J. Zhu, Y. Yao, S. Luo, X. Guo,X. Zhang, Y. Zeng, K. Yan,“Evaluation of fine particle collection with an electrostatic precipitator energized by single and three phase TRs”,Journal of Electrostatics70 (2012) 285-291.
38) 章志成,章旭明,郑超,邓官垒,闫克平,刘振,“LCR触发多级多通道火花开关的设计及其性能分析”,高电压技术,39 (2013), 928-936
39) 曾宇翾,沈欣军,章旭明,刘振,闫克平,“电除尘器中离子风的实验研究”,浙江大学学报(工学版)47 (2013) 2208-2211
40) 朱继保,章旭明,胡行伟,闫克平,“电除尘器电极结构与灰堆积特性相关性研究”,科技导报,26(2008)30-33;
41) 章旭明,黄立维,潘丽红,岳桥,“成核添加剂对低温相变蓄冷材料过冷度的影响研究”浙江工业大学学报,35 (2007);
42) 陈江,章旭明,“村镇垃圾混合生物质衍生燃料(RDF)燃烧性能及氯化氢排放特性研究”浙江农业学报,23(2011);
43) 陈江,章旭明,“城郊乡村生活垃圾衍生燃料热解特性研究”环境污染与防治,34(2012);
44) S. Yao, S. Weng, Q. Jin, H. Lu, Z. Wu,X. Zhang, J. Han, H. Lu, X. Tang, B. Jiang, “Mechanism of Decane Decomposition in a Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor,”IEEETrans. Plasma Sci.,44(2016) 2660-2666
45) H. Lu, S. Wang, andX. Zhanget al., “Seasonal variations and source apportionment of atmospheric PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a mixed multi-function area of Hangzhou, China”,Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.,doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-9265-1.2017
46) L. Mao, Z. Chen andX. Zhanget al., Plasma-catalyst hybrid reactor with CeO2/Al2O3 for benzene decomposition with synergetic effect and nano particle by-product reduction,Journal of Hazardous Material,347(2018)150-159.
47) W. Wang, R. Snoeckx,X. Zhang, M. Cha, A. Bogaerts,Modeling Plasma-based CO2 and CH4 Conversion in Mixtures with N2, O2 and H2O: the Bigger Plasma Chemistry Picture,J. Phys. Chem. C, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b10619, 122 (2018) 8704-8723.
48) W. Wang, R. Snoeckx,X. Zhang, M. Cha, A. Bogaerts, Plasma-based multi-reforming for Gas-To-Liquid: tuning the plasma chemistry towards methanol,Scientific Report,(2018) 8:15929
1)章旭明,一种含氨气污染空气的净化并资源化处理方法,ZL 201711352792.9,2018,已授权(发明)
2)章旭明,一种防沿面漏电的板式高电场基本单元和反应器,2018,ZL 201711352774.0已授权(发明)
3)章旭明,一种放电基本单元、废气净化器及废气净化系统,ZL 201810446591.3, 2018,实质审查阶段(发明)
4)章旭明,一种采用多介质阻挡的放电基本单元及反应器,2018,ZL 201711352791.4已授权(发明)
5)章旭明,王百根,高宏波,一种等离子体净化含硫化与氨气污染空气的资源化处理方法,ZL 2018 1 0612480.5已授权(发明)
6)章旭明,闻人业圣,一种利用二氧化碳和水合成甲醇的反应装置及利用二氧化碳和水合成甲醇的方法,ZL 2020 1 0410642.4已授权(发明)
ZL 2021 1 0337797.4已授权(发明)
7)章旭明,一种用于恶臭气体治理的组合式平板介质阻挡放电反应装置,ZL 201721758009.4, 2018.(实用新型)
8)章旭明,凌宇婧,邱琳琳,李镇升,韩竞一,两段式静电除尘的空气净化器,ZL 201721763419.8, 2018(实用新型)
10)章旭明,一种放电基本单元、废气净化器及废气净化系统,ZL 201820699276.7, 2018,(实用新型)
11)章旭明,王洪林,污泥车间恶臭气体处理设备及其处理方法,2020160661.6, 2020
12)章旭明,王洪林,垃圾恶臭气体处理车间及其恶臭气体处理方法,202010160719.7, 2020
13)章旭明,王洪林,一种多功能恶臭气体处理设备,202020254279.7, 2020
17)Min Suk Cha,Xuming Zhang, Sukho Chung,“Systems and methods for producing electrical discharges in compositions”US patent. Patent Number:US 10,328,410 B2, Filing Date: February 18, 2014. International Patent number: WO 2015/128738A2
18) Min Suk Cha,Xuming Zhang,“Methods for reformation of gaseous hydrocarbons using electrical discharge”US patent. Application number:15/743,161, Application date: August 07,2015. International Patent number: WO 2017/025880 A1
19)陈江,章旭明,姚晓鹏,郭君,吴海洋,“基于自由基簇射技术的垃圾渗滤液前处理高级氧化装置”, 授权号ZL 2013 2 0270017. X,授权日:2013.11.13
21)闫克平,章旭明,朱继保,冯卫强,陈伟兰,“一种两段式低温等离子体废气净化装置”,专利授权号ZL 200920200583.7,授权日2010.08.18;
22)冯卫强,章旭明,李晓颖,闫克平,朱继保,李树然,“一种两段式低温等离子体处理工业废气的装置及方法”,专利公开号CN101920156 A,公布日2010.12.22;
23)闫克平,章志成,邓官垒,章旭明,“一种组合脉冲形成网络”,利授权号ZL 200920295616.0,授权日2010.11.24;
26)陈江,章旭明,汤宗礼,“一种垃圾渗滤液的前处理高级氧化装置,”授权号ZL 2011 2 0394242.5,授权日2011.10.17.
● 通讯地址:浙江理工大学能源与动力工程系
● Email: Xuming.zhang@zstu.edu.cn