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李秦川 教授、博导。undefined中国机械工程学会机器人分会常务委员、国家级领军人才、省级领军人才。先后获浙江省五一劳动奖章,浙江省优秀教师称号。


● 方向1,并联机器人

● 方向2,医疗机器人

● 方向3,特种机器人


1. 机器人机构学51525504,400万,2016.1~2020.12,排名1


1. Li Qinchuan*, Hervé Jacques Marie, Huang Pengcheng. "Type Synthesis of a Special Family of Remote Center-of-Motion Parallel Manipulators With Fixed Linear Actuators for Minimally Invasive Surgery " Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 9(3): 031012-031012-9.

2. Xu Lingmin, Li Qinchuan*, Zhang Ningbin, Chen, Qiaohong. "Mobility, Kinematic Analysis, and Dimensional Optimization of New Three-Degrees-of-Freedom Parallel Manipulator With Actuation Redundancy" Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 9(4): 041008-041008-12.

3. Xu Lingmin, Chen Qiaohong, He Leiying, Li Qinchuan*. "Kinematic analysis and design of a novel 3T1R 2-(PRR)2RH hybrid manipulator" Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2017, 112: 105-122.

4. Wang Zhonglin, Zhang Ningbin, Chai Xinxue, Li, Qinchuan*. "Kinematic/dynamic analysis and optimization of a 2-URR-RRU parallel manipulator" Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 88(1): 503-519.

5. Li Qinchuan*, Xu Lingmin, Chen Qiaohong, Ye Wei. "New Family of RPR-Equivalent Parallel Mechanisms: Design and Application" Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 30(2): 217-221.

6. Li Qinchuan*, Zhang Ningbin, Wang Feibo. "New Indices for Optimal Design of Redundantly Actuated Parallel Manipulators" Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 9(1): 011007-011007-10.

7. Li Qinchuan*, Chai Xinxue, Xiang Ji'nan. "Mobility Analysis of Limited-Degrees-of-Freedom Parallel Mechanisms in the Framework of Geometric Algebra" Journal Of Mechanisms And Robotics-Transactions Of the ASME, 2016, 8(4): 041005. (SCI他引次数:1)


1. 李秦川,余旭锋,陈巧红,武传宇,崔东苏,具有两条垂直相交转轴的三自由度并联机构,ZL201210114555.X

2. 李秦川,陈巧红,余旭锋,马吉刚,武传宇,具有两条垂直交错转轴的三自由度并联机构,ZL201110357878.7

3. 余旭锋,李秦川,武传宇,陈巧红,高刚度冗余驱动三自由度并联机构,ZL201110357480.3

4. 李秦川,陈志,陈巧红,王茹,张铁牛,孙晓东,一种三自由度并联机器人机构,ZL201010196594.X

5. 李秦川陈志,韩阳,鲁宁,陈巧红,武传宇,胡旭东,交叉型二自由度并联机构,ZL201010153843.7

6. 吴伟峰,李秦川,马吉钢,陈祖堆,一种具有大横向位移的二自由度并联机构,ZL201210415062.X

7. 李秦川,吴伟峰,柴馨雪,武传宇,具有二移一转的三自由度并联机构,ZL201310330692.1

8. 李秦川,马吉钢,黄田,戴建生,刘辛军,具有双运动平台的冗余驱动三自由度并联机构,ZL201310141887.1

9. 李秦川,刘辛军,武传宇,胡挺,胡旭东,具有两转一移三自由度的并联机构,ZL200910097535.4

10. 李秦川,武传宇,陈巧红,胡旭东,胡挺,不含冗余约束的三自由度移动并联机构,ZL200810060358.8


● 通讯地址:浙江杭州下沙浙江理工大学机械工程学院

● Email: lqchuan@zstu.edu.cn


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