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王丽庆特聘副教授,博士,硕导一寸照,博士毕业于浙江大学,主要研究方向有:网络化控制、网络攻击和保护、复杂大规模网络控制。以第一作者或通讯作者在控制领域权威期刊IEEE Trans.发表SCI论文10余篇,其中3篇入选高被引论文。


● 方向1,网络化控制

● 方向2,网络攻击和保护

● 方向3,复杂大规模网络控制


1.Liqing Wang,Yang Liu, Zheng-guang Wu and Li Yu. Stabilization and Finite-Time

Stabilization of Probabilistic Boolean Control Networks, IEEE Transactions on Systems,

Man, and Cybernetics: Systems , 51(3): 1559–1566, 2021.

2. Fang Mei, Liqing Wang∗, Zheng-guang Wu, Asynchronous Stabilization of Boolean

Control Networks With Stochastic Switched Signals IEEE Transactions on Systems,

Man, and Cybernetics: Systems , 51(4): 2425–2432, 2021.

3. Liqing Wang, Zheng-guang Wu, Necessary and sufficient conditions on pinning stabi-

lization for stochastic Boolean networks IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 50(10):

4444–4453, 2020.

4. Liqing Wang, Zheng-guang Wu, Shiming Chen, Sampled-data stabilization for Boolean

control networks with infinite stochastic sampling IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,

52(1): 333–343, 2022.(SCI一区TOP(长文), IF:11.448

5.Yang Liu, Liqing Wang, Jianquan Lu and Zheng-guang Wu, Pinning stabilization of

stochastic networks with finite states via controlling minimal nodes IEEE Transactions

on Cybernetics, 52(4): 2361–2369, 2022.5.27.

6. Liqing Wang and Zheng-guang Wu, Optimal asynchronous stabilization for Boolean

control networks with Lebesgue sampling IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI:


7. Liqing Wang, Zheng-guang Wu and Ying Shen, Asynchronous mean stabilization of

positive jump systems with piecewise-homogeneous Markov chain IEEE Transactions

on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 68(10): 3266–3270, 2021.

8.Yang Liu, Liqing Wang, Jianquan Lu, Jinde Cao, Sampled-data stabilization of

probabilistic Boolean control networks System Control & Letters, 124:106–111, 2019.

9. Yang Liu, Jinde Cao, Liqing Wang, Zheng-guang Wu. On pinning reachability of

probabilistic Boolean control networks Since China Information Science, 63(6):232–

234, 2020.

10. Liqing Wang, Mei Fang, Zheng-Guang Wu, Mean square stability for Markov jump

Boolean networks Since China Information Science, 63(1):190–199, 2020.

11. Liqing Wang, Yang Liu, Zheng-Guang Wu, Fuad E. Alsaadi, Strategy optimization

for static games based on STP method Applied Mathematics and Computation,

316:390–399, 2018.


● 通讯地址:#15-623

● Email: liqingwang@zstu.edu.cn


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