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主要从事高性能并/混联机器人的概念设计、拓扑创新、静/动态性能评估与优化等方面的基础理论与应用研究工作。作为主研人员参与承担多项省部级纵向项目和企业横向课题,在Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (TOP期刊,IF=10.103)、Mechanism and Machine Theory (TOP期刊,IF=4.930)和Journal of Mechanical Design(ASME汇刊,IF=3.441)等刊物发表SCI/EI收录论文10余篇,授权并/混联机器人相关专利多件,并担任International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems、Industrial Robot和Assembly Automation等国际SCI期刊审稿人。


● 并/混联机器人的概念设计与构型创新


● 并/混联机器人的静/动态性能评估与优化



1. 国家重点实验室开放基金, sklmt-zdkfkt-202003,《基冗余驱动并联机器人的误差建模与精度设计》, 2021-01至2022-12, 20万,参与。

2. 高校产学合作项目, 2019H6006,《基于过约束冗余驱动并联模块的混联数控装备研究及产业化》, 2019-04至2022-04, 40万,参与.

3. 企业合作,横向课题, 00201806,《高端并/混联数控装备研发》, 2018-01至2022-12, 300万,参与。



1.Tang Tengfei,et al. Geometric error propagation model based accuracy synthesis and its application to a 1T2R parallel manipulator [J]. Journal of Mechanical Design, 2022, 144(7): 073304.

2.Tang Tengfei, et al.Type synthesis, unified kinematic analysis and prototype validation of a family of Exechon inspired parallel mechanismsfor5-axis hybrid kinematic machine tools[J].Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2021, 72: 102181.

3.Tang Tengfei, et al.Chebyshev inclusion function based interval kinetostatic modeling and parameter sensitivity analysis for Exechon-like parallel kinematic machines with parameter uncertainties[J].Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2021, 157: 104209.

4.Tang Tengfei,Fang Hanliang, Zhang Jun.Hierarchical design, laboratory prototype fabrication and machining tests of a novel 5-axis hybrid serial-parallel kinematic machine tool [J]. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2020, 64: 101944.

5.Tang Tengfei, Zhang Jun.Conceptual design and kinetostatic analysis of a modular parallel kinematic machine-based hybrid machine tool for large aeronautic components[J].Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2019, 57: 1-16.

6.Fang Hanliang,Tang Tengfei, He Zhen, Liu Yuanchang, Zhang Jun. A novel hybrid machine tool integrating a symmetrical redundantly actuated parallel mechanism: design, kinematics, prototype and experiment[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2022, 176: 105013.

7.Fang Hanliang,Tang Tengfei, Zhang Jun.Kinematic analysis and comparison of a 2R1T redundantly actuated parallel manipulator and its non-redundantly actuated forms. [J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2019, 142: 103587.

8.Tang Tengfei, Zhang Jun. Conceptual design and comparative stiffness analysis of an Exechon-like parallel kinematic machine with lockable spherical joints[J].International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2017, 14(4): 1-13.

9.Zhang Jun, Fang Hanliang,Tang Tengfei. Two comprehensive indices–based static performance evaluation for the Tripod parallel kinematic machine. [J].Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(11): 1-13.

10. 汤腾飞,方汉良,张俊.类Exechon并联机构模块可重构概念设计与运动学分析[J],天津大学学报, 2019, 52(7): 733-744.

11. 张俊,汤腾飞,方汉良.面向大型航空结构件的混联柔性制造系统概念设计与性能评估[J],西安交通大学学报, 2019, 53: 1-10.

12. 汤腾飞,张俊,赵艳芹.类Exechon并联模块弹性静力学建模与分析[J],上海交通大学学报, 2017, 51(8): 992-999.

13. Tang Tengfei, Fang Hanliang, Zhang Jun. Kinematic performance analysis and comparison for the Exechon-like PKMs based on a kinematic tuning index[C]. IFToMM World Congress. Springer, 2019.


1. 含过约束少自由度并联模块的混联机床.专利号ZL201922126257.2,

2. 小型并联式精雕机.专利号ZL201920459169.1

3. 一种空间三自由度冗余驱动并联机构.专利号ZL201821758845.7

4. 一种低运动质量的空间三自由度并联机构.专利号ZL201821758856.5

5. 含冗余约束的空间五自由度混联加工装备.专利号ZL201820974253.2

6. 一种空间两转动一平动的冗余约束并联机构.专利号ZL201821027965X


● 通讯地址:杭州市下沙高教园区2号大街928号浙江理工大学23-407

● Email: tengfei@zstu.edu.cn


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