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马洪业(1994-,特聘副教授,硕士生导师,中国科学院空间应用工程与技术中心工学博士。在IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,Journal of Sound and Vibration,Composite Structures,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,Nonlinear Dynamics等国际知名期刊发表SCI期刊论文20余篇,在机械工程学报、力学学报、振动与冲击、振动工程学报发表文章各1篇,授权发明专利11项,论文引用次数900余次。高被引论文3篇,其中一篇文章被国际著名机构“工程进展”(Advances in Engineering, AIE)遴选为关键科学文章并进行了重点报道。《低频磁刚度非线性隔振理论与方法》获得2023年度中国振动工程学会科学技术二等奖,排名2/5研究领域包含非线性/线性隔振方法、半主动电磁阻尼减振技术、超材料吸能与减振方法。


● 方向1:非线性振动控制方法


● 方向2:超材料吸能与减振方法

超材料先后被Science和Material Today杂志评选为“世界十大科技突破之一”和“材料科学领域在过去50年的十大进展之一”。其潜在的重大军用和民用价值也受到了中国政府高度的关注,已将其上升为国家战略,2016年3月,“十三五”规划纲要提出:大力发展形状记忆合金、自修复材料等智能材料,石墨烯、超材料等功能材料。本研究方向隶属声学超材料和力学超材料,利用相关原理实现结构的减振降噪与弹性可重复吸能。


1. 低频磁刚度非线性隔振理论与方法,2023年度中国振动工程学会科学技术二等奖,2/5,2023.


1. Pan Xiagui, Zhang Guojian, Yu Ning, Cai Changqi,Ma Hongye, Yan Bo*. Low-frequency human motion energy scavenging with wearable tumbler-inspired electromagnetic energy harvesters[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 268, 109029.

2. Yan Bo*, Wang Xianjia,Ma Hongye, Lu Wenqi, Li Qinchuan. Hybrid time-delayed feedforward and feedback control of lever-type quasi-zero-stiffness vibration isolators[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2024, 71(3), 2810-2819.

3. Sun Huize, Zhao Chong*, Wang Ke, Zhao Haifeng,Ma Hongye, Zhang Lu, Xue Jing, Zhang Lixian. Shape editing of kirigami-inspired thick-panel deployable structure[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2024, 191, 105471.

4.Ma Hongye, Wang Ke*, Zhao Haifeng, Zhao Chong, Xue Jing, Liang Chao, Yan Bo*. Harnessing chiral buckling structure to design tunable local resonance metamaterial for low-frequency vibration isolation [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2023, 565: 117905.

5. Ling Peng, Miao Lunlun, Yu Ning,MaHongye, He Wen, Yan Bo∗.Anti-shock performance of a cockroach-inspired structure[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023, 142, 108640.

6. 梁超,马洪业*,王珂,严博.基于非线性谐振电路的双稳态俘能器的俘能与动力学特性研究[J].力学学报. 2023, 55(5): 1181-1194.

7. 简彬,马洪业*,王珂,严博.非线性电磁吸振器的吸振效果与动力学特性研究[J].振动与冲击. 2023, 42(6): 188-195.

8.Ma Hongye, Wang Ke*, Zhao Haifeng, Hong Yilun, Zhou Yanlin, Xue Jing, Li Qiushi, Wang Gong, Yan Bo*. Energy dissipation in multistable auxetic mechanical metamaterials[J]. Composite Structures, 2022, 304: 116410.

9. Yan Bo*, Yu Ning,Ma Hongye, Wu Chuanyu. A theory for bistable vibration isolators[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing[J], 2022, 167, 108507.

10.Ma Hongye, Wang Ke*, Zhao Haifeng, Shi Wubin, Xue Jing, Zhou Yanlin, Li Qiushi, Wang Gong, Yan Bo*. Energy dissipation and shock isolation using novel metamaterials[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 228: 107464.

11.Ma Hongye, Wang Ke*, Zhao Haifeng, Mu Ruinan, Yan Bo*. A reusable metastructure for tri-directional energy dissipation[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 214: 106870.

12. Yu Ning,Ma Hongye, Wu Chuanyu, Yu Gaohong, Yan Bo*. Modeling and experimental investigation of a novel bistable two-degree-of-freedom electromagnetic energy harvester[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 156, 107608.

13.Ma Hongye, Yan Bo*. Nonlinear damping and mass effects of electromagnetic shunt damping for enhanced nonlinear vibration isolation[J], Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 146: 107010. (AIE关键文章,ESI高被引论文)

14. Yan Bo*, Wang Zhihao,Ma Hongye, Bao Huihuang, Wang Ke, Wu Chuanyu. 2021. A novel lever-type vibration isolator with eddy current damping[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 494: 115862. (ESI高被引论文)

15.Ma Hongye, Yan Bo*, Zhang Lu, Zheng Wenguang, Wang Pengfei, Wu Chuanyu. On the design of nonlinear damping with electromagnetic shunt damping[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 175: 105513.

16. Yan Bo*,Ma Hongye, Zhang Lu, Zheng Wenguang, Wang Ke, Wu Chuanyu. A bistable vibration isolator with nonlinear electromagnetic shunt damping[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 136:106504.

17. Yan Bo*,Ma Hongye, Zhang Lu, Wu Chuanyu, Zhang Xinong. Electromagnetic shunt damping for shock isolation of nonlinear vibration isolators[J], Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 479: 115370.

18. Yan Bo*,Ma Hongye, Yu Ning, Zhang Lu, Wu Chuanyu. Theoretical modeling and experimental analysis of nonlinear electromagnetic shunt damping[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 471: 115184.

19. Yan Bo *, Yu Ning, Zhang Lu,Ma Hongye, Wu Chuanyu , Wang Ke, Zhou Shengxi. Scavenging vibrational energy with a novel bistable electromagnetic energy harvester[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2020, 29, 025022.

20. Yan Bo*,Ma Hongye, Zheng Wenguang, Jian Bin, Wang Ke, Wu Chuanyu. Nonlinear electromagnetic shunt damping for nonlinear vibration isolators[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019, 24(4): 1851-1860.

21. Zheng Wenguang, Yan Bo *,Ma Hongye, Wang Rongyang, Jia Jiangming, Zhang Lu, Wu Chuanyu. Tuning of natural frequency with electromagnetic shunt mass[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2019, 28, 025026.

22. Yan Bo*,Ma Hongye, Jian Bin, Wang Ke, Wu Chuanyu. Nonlinear dynamics analysis of a bi-State nonlinear vibration isolator with symmetric permanent magnets[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 97(4): 2499-2519.

23. 严博*,马洪业,韩瑞祥,王珂,武传宇.可用于大幅值激励的永磁式非线性隔振器[J].机械工程学报. 2019, 55(11): 169-175.

24. Yan Bo*,Ma Hongye, Zhao Chenxue, Wu Chuanyu, Wang Ke, Wang Pengfei. A vari-stiffness nonlinear isolator with magnetic effects: Theoretical modeling and experimental verification[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 148: 745-755.

25. Yan Bo*, Yu Ning,Ma Hongye, Wu Chuanyu. 2022. A theory for bistable vibration isolators[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 167: 108507. (ESI高被引论文)







6. 严博;马洪业;赵晨雪;武传宇;一种半主动可控刚度非线性电磁隔振器,2019-06-28,中国,ZL201711474046.7(授权)

7. 严博;马洪业;赵晨雪;一种多功能三方向压电-电磁耦合式换能器,2023-10-31,中国,ZL201711476419.4(授权)

8. 严博;马洪业;赵晨雪;武传宇;张雷;一种快速安装、拆卸装置,2019-10-25,中国,ZL201711121822.5(授权)

9. 严博;马洪业;武传宇;张雷;包建潮;童俊华;石虎峰;一种叶轮叶片自动抓取安装装置,2019-06-25,中国,ZL201710928859.2(授权)

10. 严博;马洪业;赵晨雪;郑文广;一种空间折叠可重构光学支撑结构,2020-08-14,中国, ZL201810303651.6(授权)

11. 严博;马洪业;赵晨雪;郑文广;一种空间可重构镜面支撑结构,2023-12-22,中国,ZL201810286055.1(授权)

12. 马洪业;朱佳慧;严博;朱亮亮;屈曲诱导的半主动阻尼准零刚度隔振器,2023-10-19,中国,CN202311360083.0(受理,公开)

13. 马洪业;王珂;赵海峰;严博;振子弹簧结构、利用屈曲结构构建的共振单元体和超材料,2022-10-20中国,CN202211287821.9(受理,实质审查)


● 通讯地址:杭州市下沙高教园区浙江理工大学12-623

● Email: mahongye@zstu.edu.cn


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