论文题目 |
刊物名称 |
第一作者/通信作者 |
刊物 级别 |
1 |
Calcium phosphate nanoparticles in biomineralization and biomaterials |
Journal of Materials Chemistry 2008,, 18, 3775–3787 |
蔡玉荣 |
SCI一档 |
2 |
Oaganic nanocones fabricated by atmospheric plasma polymerization for immobilizing bioprobes |
NANOTECHNOLOGY 2008,19, /, 1-6 |
陈光良 |
SCI一档 |
3 |
Preparation and characterization of nano-hydroxyapatite/ silk fibroin porous scaffolds |
J. Biomater. Sci.: Polymer. Edn. 2008,19, /, 325-338 |
刘琳 |
SCI二档 |
4 |
Improvement of thermostability of recombinant collagen-like protein by in corporating a foldon sequence |
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2008,79, /, 195-3202 |
姚菊明 |
SCI二档 |
5 |
Phase-selectivity photocatalysis: a new approach in organic pollutants' photodecomposition by nanovoid core(TiO2)/shell(SiO2) nanoparticles |
Chemical Communications 2008,32, /, 3756–3758 |
王晟 |
SCI二档 |
6 |
Deposition behavior and properties of silk fibroin scaffolds soaked in simulated body fluid |
Mater. Chem. Phys. 2008,111, /, 92-97 |
姚菊明 |
SCI二档 |
7 |
Biofilm deposited by the atmospheric plasma liquid sputtering |
SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 2008,/, /, 4741-4745 |
陈光良 |
SCI二档 |
8 |
Preparation, Characterization and Properties of Nano-TiO2 / Silk Fibroin Hybrid Films by Sol-Gel Processing |
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2008,84A, 3, 761-768 |
冯新星 |
SCI三档 |
9 |
Surface modification and properties of Bombyx mori silk fibroin films by antimicrobial peptide |
Appl. Surf. Sci. 2008,254, /, 2988-2995 |
姚菊明 |
SCI三档 |
10 |
Anisotropic growth of hydroxyapatite on the silk fibroin films |
Appl. Surf. Sci. 2008,255, /, 1681-1685 |
姚菊明 |
SCI三档 |
11 |
Surface modification of the nanoparticles by an atmospheric room-temperature plasma fluidized bed |
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2008,, 254, 3915–3920 |
陈光良 |
SCI三档 |
12 |
Effect of high temperature alkali cooking on the constituents,structure and thermal degradation of Hemp Fiber |
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2008,108, 6, 4058-4064 |
冯新星 |
SCI四档 |
13 |
Environmental-Sensitive Hyperbranched Polymers as Drug Carriers |
Designed Monomers and Polymers 2008,11, /, 105-122 |
江国华 |
SCI四档 |
14 |
Synthesis and Drug-Release Properties of Hyperbranched Polyesters Grafted with Biocompatible Poly(ε-caprolactone) |
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2008,109, /, 2089-2094 |
江国华 |
SCI四档 |
15 |
A cold plasma plume with a highly conductive liquid electrode |
Chinese Physics B 2008,17, 12, 4568-4573 |
陈光良 |
SCI四档 |
16 |
CharacterizatiOn of Bacterial Strains Isolated from a Novel Seawater |
Journal of Donohua University 2008,25, 6, 686-693 |
冯新星 |
EI期刊论文 |
17 |
纳米羟基磷灰石/丝素蛋白复合支架材料的降解特性及生物相容性研究 |
化学学报2008,66, /, 1919-1923 |
刘琳 |
特级 |
18 |
十字形中空纤维异形度的表征方法探讨 |
纺织学报A 2008,29, 5, 11-14 |
张顺花 |
一级A |
19 |
聚氯乙烯基搁声材料中填充炼钢炉渣粉 |
复合材料学报2008,25, 2, 74-79 |
姚跃飞 |
一级A |
20 |
织物三维悬垂形态测试指标与三维重建 |
纺织学报A 2008,29, 9, 51-55 |
周华 |
一级A |
21 |
水溶性聚酯的流变行为 |
纺织学报A 2008,29, 8, 11-14 |
齐庆莹 |
一级A |
22 |
导电炭黑/聚酯复合材料的性能 |
纺织学报A 2008,29, 10, 9-16 |
孙福 |
一级A |
23 |
Preparation and photoactivity of thermosensitive polymer supported metallophthalocyanine |
Frontiers of Chemistry in China 2008,51, 2, 570-576 |
陈文兴 |
一级A |
24 |
酞菁负载纤维素纤维对活性染料的氧化脱色 |
纺织学报A 2008,29, 7, 57-60 |
陈文兴 |
一级A |
25 |
PET/WSPET聚酯共混物的结构与拉伸流变性能 |
纺织学报A 2008,29, 6, 7-10 |
张顺花 |
一级A |
26 |
新型接枝β-环糊精蚕丝芳香纤维的研究 |
蚕业科学2008,34, 1, 72-77 |
胡智文 |
一级A |
27 |
增强材料的排列形式对复合材料隔声性能影响的实验研究 |
复合材料学报2008,25, 2, 68-73 |
傅雅琴 |
一级A |
28 |
新型钴酞菁接枝温敏聚合物的制备及性能 |
高分子学报2008,/, 6, 567-573 |
陈文兴 |
一级A |
29 |
纳米TiO2诱导复合丝素蛋白膜二级结构转变的研究, |
功能材料2008,, 3, 479-481 |
冯新星 |
一级B |
30 |
SiO2-TiO2中空型界面光催化剂的制备及性能 |
催化学报2008,29, 10, 987-991 |
王晟 |
一级B |
31 |
纤维素纤维接枝β-环糊精预聚体的制备及包结性能 |
高分子材料科学与工程2008,24, 1, 39-43 |
胡智文 |
一级B |
32 |
负载高催化活性TiO2纳米管涤纶纤维的制备及其对甲醛降解的研究 |
浙江理工大学学报2008,25, 6, 635-639 |
王晟 |
二级 |
33 |
WTRP/GF/PVC复合材料隔声性能研究 |
浙江理工大学学报2008,25, 5, 506-511 |
姚跃飞 |
二级 |
34 |
面向家纺的个性化核心定制系统ASP平台 |
浙江理工大学学报2008,25, 5, 530-534 |
周华 |
二级 |
35 |
新型中空界面光催化粒子的研究 |
浙江理工大学学报2008,25, 4, 462-465 |
王晟 |
二级 |
36 |
低熔点共聚酯的流变性研究 |
合成纤维2008,37, 8, 22-25 |
齐庆莹 |
二级 |
37 |
关于软家装个性化定制中图像放大的应用研究 |
纺织科学研究2008,, 4, / |
周华 |
二级 |
38 |
紫外辐射对聚酯纤维结构与性能的影响 |
材料科学与工艺2008,16, 4, 582-585 |
胡国樑 |
二级 |
39 |
固体光气法合成3,4-二甲氧基苯异氰酸酯 |
精细化工中间体2008,38, 2, 35-38 |
齐庆莹 |
其它 |
40 |
Effests of Thermal Treatment on the Morphology and Properties of CSM/Poly(urethane-isocyanurate)Composites formed by SRIM Process |
Materials science forum 2008,/, /, 941-946 |
唐红艳 |
其它2 |
41 |
Effects of Surface Modification on the Structure of VGCF |
Proceedings of the international conference on advanced textile Materials manufacturing technology 2008,, /, / |
傅雅琴 |
其它2 |
42 |
Interfacial Bond Property of Vapor Grown Carbon Fibers Modified by Silane Coupling |
Proceedings of the international conference on advanced textile Materials manufacturing technology 2008,, /, / |
傅雅琴 |
其它2 |
43 |
Enantioseparation of Aromatic Amino Acids Usingα-Cyclodextrin-Modified Cellulose Fiber |
International Conference on AdvancedTextile Materials & Manufacturing Technology 2008,/, /, 387-491 |
胡智文 |
其它2 |
44 |
Study on Novel Cyclodextrin-phthalocyanine Conjugates Grafted onto Cellulose Functional Fiber |
International Conference on AdvancedTextile Materials & Manufacturing Technology 2008,/, /, 400-405 |
胡智文 |
其它2 |
45 |
Oxidative removal of chlorophenols using fiber-supported Cobalt phthalocyanine |
Proceedings of the international conference on advanced textile materials & manufacturing technology 2008,, /, / |
吕汪洋 |
其它2 |