

发布日期:2024-06-12 浏览次数:




(1)Zhou, Y., & Sun, J. -M.*. (2024). Perceived organizational politics and employee voice: The role of affect and supervisor political support.Advance online.Journal of Managerial Psychology.[ABS3*]

(2)Zhou, Y. *, & Zhou, G. (2024). Does telecommuting incur burnout in teachers during the COVID19 quarantine lockdown? A moderated mediation model of harmonious passion and housing size.Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 33(1), 47–58.

(3)Song, Z., Zhou, Y., Lou, M., Su, T., Li, X., O’Boyle, E., Steel, P. Yao, J., Zhu, J., Ju, B., Li, B., & Li, Y. (2023). Advancing leadership and team research through second uses of meta-analytic data.Academy of Management Proceedings. 2023(1), https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2023.11363symposium

(4)Zhou, Y., & Sun, J. -M. (2022). The effect of perceived organizational politics on employee voice: A resource perspective.Academy of Management Proceedings. 2022(1), 15284

(5)周琰喆,李原. (2020).基于人格特质视角的员工建言行为研究:回顾与展望.中国人力资源开发, 37(10), 33–51.

(6)倪旭东,周琰喆*. (2019).子团队结构与情感对团队创造力的影响.心理科学, 42(3), 667–673.

(7)倪旭东,周琰喆. (2017).群体情感基调——团队认知的互补性概念.科技进步与对策, 34(3), 152–160.


(1)Smith, W. K.,周琰喆(),倪旭东(). (2019).动态决策:高层领导用来管理战略悖论的模型.李平,杨政银,曹仰锋(主编),再论案例研究方法:理论与范例.北京:北京大学出版社


(1)Zhou, Y., Yao, J., & Lou, M. (2023). A systematic review of team meta-analyses. Paper (included in symposium Advancing leadership and team research through second uses of meta-analytic data) presented at the 83rdAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

(2)Song, Z., Steel, P., Yao, J., Zhou, Y., & Lou, M. (2023). Tackling massive meta-analyses using an online open science platform. Presented in the Professional Development Workshop (PDW) at the10th Biennial International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, Hong Kong, China.

(3)Zhou, Y., & Sun, J. -M. (2022). The effect of perceived organizational politics on employee voice: A resource perspective. Paper presented at the 82ndAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA.

(4)周琰喆,李原,孙健敏. (2020).基于人格特质视角的员工建言行为研究:回顾与展望.中国社会心理学会管理心理学专业委员会2020年学术研讨会暨第二届中国管理心理学论坛,北京,中国.

(5)Sun, J. M., Zhou, Y., Ma, Q., & Li, Y. (2019). Paternalistic leadership of mentor and task performance of protégé: The role of mentor functions and CSEs.2019 Academic Annual Meeting of Chinese Association of Social Psychology, Changchun, China.
