日期:2022-05-16 信息来源: 点击数:




职务:浙理-浙大迪迅抗过敏联合实验室 主任




2000/09 – 2005/06,美国俄勒冈州立大学(Oregon State University),药学院,海洋天然产物及药物化学,博士

导师:William H. Gerwick教授


1996/10 –1999/12美国加州州立大学(California State University, Northridge),有机化学,硕士

1990/09 – 1994/06,杭州大学,生物化学与微生物学,本科




2010/10 – 2013/02,浙江大学,海洋科学与工程学系,副研究员

2010/10 – 2012/07,美国普渡大学,药学院,访问教授(visiting assistant professor

2008/03 – 2010/05,美国国立癌症研究院(NCI),研究员(research scientist

2007/10 – 2008/02,美国普渡大学,药学院,资深博士后(senior postdoctor

2005/07 – 2007/09,美国俄勒冈州立大学,质谱分析中心,博士后








主要从事海洋活性天然产物的发现及作用机制研究。近年来,在海洋蓝细菌及其共附生微生物化学研究中分离鉴定了具有化学他感效应的脂肪酸肽、环肽、萜醌、聚酮等特征结构200余种,50多个新化合物单体。近期聚焦于海洋中最普遍的抗逆分子——生物毒素和色素,在新型海洋源房颤药物开发研究海洋微生物色素的开发与产业化两个课题上开展相关研究。主持承担国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,科技部863项目1项,浙江省部级项目2项。参与完成美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)重大项目基金2项。作为第一或通讯作者在在Organic lettersJournal of Organic ChemistryAnalytical ChemistryJournal of Proteome ResearchJournal of Natural Products等期刊发表论文50余篇,引用次数近2000H-index20










8项目:Mitochondrial Proteomics of the Aging Heart2007

资助:美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)重大项目; 5R01AG025372-03(主要参与)

9项目:Neurotoxins from Marine Algae and Cyanobacteria2007

资助:美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)重大项目; 5R01NS053398-07(主要参与)

10项目:Lipidomic profile of endocannabinoids from neuronal cells2011

资助:美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)项目; R21 DA024193(主要参与)


1. Chen W, Ye K, Zhu X, Zhang H, Si R, Chen J, Chen Z, Song K, Yu Z,Han B*. Actinomycin X2, an Antimicrobial Depsipeptide from Marine-Derived Streptomyces cyaneofuscatus Applied as a Good Natural Dye for Silk Fabric. Marine Drugs. 2022; 20(1):16.

2. Shen SC, Wang WP, Chen ZJ, Zhang HH, Yang YC, Wang XL, Fu P*,Han BN*. Absolute Structure Determination and Kv1.5 Ion Channel Inhibition Activities of New Debromoaplysiatoxin Analogues. Marine Drugs. 2021; 19(11):630.

3. Chen JN, Xu L, Zhou YR,Han BN*. Natural Products from Actinomycetes Associated with Marine Organisms. Marine Drugs. 2021; 19(11):629.

4. Zhang HH, Zhang XK, Si RR, Shen SC, Liang TT, Fan TT, Chen W, Xu LH*,Han BN*. Chemical and Biological Study of Novel Aplysiatoxin Derivatives from the Marine Cyanobacterium Lyngbya sp. Toxins (Basel). 2020 Nov 23;12(11):E733.

5.Meilin ZhuZhen Yang,Haotian Wang,Qi Gan,Guojian Zhang,Qian Che,Tianjiao Zhu,Qianqun Gu,Bingnan Han* ,Dehai Li* .Penispirozines A-H, Three Classes of Dioxopiperazine Alkaloids with Spirocyclic Skeletons Isolated from the Mangrove-Derived Penicillium janthinellum [published online ahead of print, 2020 Aug 20]. J Nat Prod. 2020

6. Xu, L., Ye, K. X., Dai, W. H., Sun, C., Xu, L. H., &Han, B. N*. Comparative Genomic Insights into Secondary Metabolism Biosynthetic Gene Cluster Distributions of Marine Streptomyces. Mar Drugs,2019,17(9).

7. Ting-Ting Fan, Hui-Hui Zhang, Yang-Hua Tang, Fan-Zhong Zhang,Bing-Nan Han*. Two New Neo-debromoaplysiatoxins—a Pair of Stereoisomers Exhibiting Potent Kv1.5 Ion Channel Inhibition Activities. Marine Drugs, 2019, 17(12): 652.

8. Tang Y-H, Liang T-T, Fan T-T, Keen L J, Zhang X-D, Xu L, Zhao Q, Zeng R,Han B-N*. Neo-debromoaplysiatoxin C, with new structural rearrangement, derived from debromoaplysiatoxin. Nat. Prod. Res. 2019.

9. Tang Y-H, Wu J, Fan T-T, Zhang H-H, Gong X-X, Cao Z-Y, Zhang J, Lin H-W,Han B-N*. Chemical and biological study of aplysiatoxin derivatives showing inhibition of potassium channel Kv1.5. RSC Advances. 2019, 9, 7594 - 7600.

10. Kai‐Xiong Ye,Ting‐Ting Fan,Lawrence Jordan Keen,Bing‐Nan Han*. A Review of Pigments Derived from Marine Natural Products. Israel Journal of Chemistry,2019,59(5).

11.Han B-N*, Liang T-T, Keen L J, Fan T-T, Zhang X-D, Xu L, Zhao Q, Wang S-P, Lin H-W. Two Marine Cyanobacterial Aplysiatoxin Polyketides, Neo-debromoaplysiatoxin A and B, with K+ Channel Inhibition Activity. Org. Lett. 2018, 20: 578-581.

12. Liang T T, Zhao Q, He S, et al. Modeling Analysis of Potential Target of Dolastatin 16 by Computational Virtual Screening. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2018, 66(6):602-607.

13. Wang Y, Yan J, Zhang X, et al. Tolerance properties and growth performance assessment of Yarrowia lipolytic lipase in brolers. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2017:1-6.

14. Jinyong Yan *,Bingnan Han(共同第一), Li Xu, Yunjun Yan, Genhan Zha, Dujie Pan, Liangcheng Jiao, Yaofeng Wang, Catherine Madzak. A promising feed Yarrowia lipolytica yeast: homologous overexpression of feed enzyme lipase, and simultaneous production of feed yeast biomass. Scientific Reports20188:758

15. Li Liu,Wei Wu,Jing Li,Wei-Hua Jiao,Li-Yun Liu,Jie Tang,Lei Liu,Fan Sun,Bing-Nan Han,Hou-Wen Lin. Two sesquiterpene aminoquinones protect against oxidative injury in HaCaT keratinocytes via activation of AMPKα/ERK-Nrf2/ARE/HO-1 signaling. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy,2018,100.

16. Dezhi Li,Bingnan Han, Rui Wei,el. N-terminal α-amino group modification of antibodies using a site-selective click chemistry method. Mabs, 2018:00-00.

17. Liu, LiWu, WeiLi, JingJiao, Wei-HuaLiu, Li-YunTang, JieLiu, LeiSun, Fan(*)Han, Bing-Nan*Lin, Hou-Wen(*),Two sesquiterpene aminoquinones protect against oxidative injury in HaCaT keratinocytes via activation of AMPKα/ERK-Nrf2/ARE/HO-1 signaling, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2018.2.22,100: 417-425

18. Meilin Zhu, Zhen Yang, Huimin Feng, Qi Gan, Qian Che, Tianjiao Zhu, Qianqun Gu,Bingnan Han* and Dehai Li *. Trichodermamides D–F, heterocyclic dipeptides with a highly functionalized 1,2-oxazadecaline core isolated from the endophytic fungus Penicillium janthinellum HDN13-309. RSC Advances. 2017, 7, 48019–48024.

19. Zhen Yang, Mei-lin Zhu, De-hai Li*, Rong Zeng *,Bing-nan Han*. N-Me-trichodermamide B isolated from Penicillium janthinellum, with antioxidant properties through Nrf2-mediated signaling pathway. Bioorg. Medi. Chem. 31 Oct 2017, 25(24):6614-6622

20. Qiu-Ye Chai, Zhen Yang, Hou-Wen Lin,* andBing-Nan Han*. Alkynyl-Containing Peptides of Marine Origin: A Review Mar. Drugs 2016, 14, 216; doi:10.3390

21. Jian-Hong Gan, Wen-Zhen Hu, Hao-Bing Yu, Fan-Yang, Meng-Xue Cao, Hua-Jin Shi, Yong-Feng Kang* andBing-Nan Han*. Three New Aaptamine Derivatives from the South China Sea Sponge Aaptos aaptos. J. Asian Natural Products Research; 2015 17(12), 1231-1238

22. Kai-Xuan Zhan, Wei-Hua Jiao, Fan Yang, Jing Li, Shu-Ping Wang, Yu-Shan Li,Bing-Nan Han*(共同通讯)and Hou-Wen Lin *. Reniochalistatins A–E, Cyclic Peptides from the Marine Sponge Reniochalina stalagmitis. J. Nat. Prod. ; 2014, 77 (12), pp 2678–2684

23. Shu-Juan Piao, Wei-Hua Jiao, Fan Yang, Yang-Hua Yi, Ying-Tong Di,Bing-Nan Han*(共同通讯)and Hou-Wen Lin *. New Hippolide Derivatives, withProtein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) Inhibitory Activity from the Marine Sponge Hippospongia lachne. Mar. Drugs; 2014, 12(7), 4096-4109

24. Shu-Juan Piao,Yun-Long Song,Wei-Hua Jiao,Fan Yang,§ Xiang-Fang Liu, Wan-Sheng Chen,Bing-Nan Han*(共同通讯), and Hou-Wen Lin*. Hippolachnin A, a New Antifungal Polyketide from the South China Sea Sponge Hippospongia lachne.Org. Lett.15 (14), 3526–35292013

25.Bingnan Han*, Rachel Wright, Yi Fang, Aaron Kirchoff, Vincent jo Davisson, Julia Chester and Eric Barker . Quantitative LC–MS/MS analysis of arachidonoyl amino acids in mouse brain with treatment of FAAH inhibitor. Analytical Biochemistry; 432(2),74-812013

26.Bingnan Han, Mike Hare and Claudia S. Maier. A differential “Bottom Up” proteomic strategy for the site-specific identification and quantitation of endogenous oxylipid protein modifications. Journal of proteomics75(18)5724-5733, 2012

27.Bingnan Han, Luke H. Stockwin, Chad Hancock, Sherry X. Yu, Melinda G. Hollingshead, and Dianne L. Newton. Proteomic Analysis of Nuclei isolated from cancer cell lines treated with Indenoisoquinoline NSC724998, a novel Top1 inhibitor. Journal of Proteome Research; 9(8), 4016-4027, 2010

28.Bingnan Han*, Harald Gross, Kerry L. McPhail, Doug Goeger, Claudia S. Maier,William H. Gerwick. Wewakamide A and guineamide G, cyclic depsipeptides from the marine cyanobacteria Lyngbya semiplena and Lyngbya majuscula. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology(IF: 1.4); 21(9)930-936, 2012

29.Bingnan Han, Uwe M. Reinscheid, William H. Gerwick, Harald Gross. The structure elucidation of isomalyngamide K from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula by experimental and DFT computational methods. Journal of Molecular structure(IF: 1.7); 989, 109-113, 2011

30. Chad N. Hancock,Luke H. Stockwin,Bingnan Han, Raymond D. Divelbiss, Jung Ho Jun, Sajay V Malhotra, Melinda G. Hollingshead and Dianne L. Newton. A copper chelate of thiosemicarbazone NSC689534 induces Oxidative/ER stress and inhibits tumor growth in vitro and in vivo. Free Radical Biology and Medicine(IF: 5.8); 50(1)110-21, 2011

31. Saini V, Hose CD, Monks A, Nagashima K,Han B, Newton DL, Millione A, Shah J, Hollingshead MG, Hite KM, Burkett MW, Delosh RM, Silvers TE, Scudiero DA, Shoemaker RH. Identification of CBX3 and ABCA5 as Putative Biomarkers for Tumor Stem Cells in Osteosarcoma. PLoS One(IF: 4.1); 7(8)e41401, 2012

32. Luke H. Stockwin,Bingnan Han, Maja A. Bumke, Sherry X. Yu, Melinda G. Hollingshead, Mahmoud A. ElSohly, Waseem Gul, Desmond Slade, Ahmed Galal, and Dianne L. Newton. Artemisinin dimeranti-cancer activity is mediated by heme-catalyzed ROS generation and ER stress Induction.International Journal of Cancer(IF: 5.4); 125(6), 1266-1275, 2009

33.Bingnan Han, Fred Stevens and Claudia S. Maier. Design, Synthesis, and Application of a Hydrazide-Functionalized Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag (HICAT) for the Quantification of Oxylid Protein Conjugates. Anal. Chem.(IF: 5.8); 2007; 79(9); 3342-3354.

34. Juan Chavez, Jianyong Wu,Bingnan Han, Woon-Gye Chung, and Claudia S. Maier. New Role for an Old Probe: Affinity Labeling of Oxylipid Protein Conjugates by N’-Aminooxymethylcarbonylhydrdrazino-D-biotin. Anal. Chem.78 (19), 6847 -6854, 2006.

35. Ramaswamy AV, Flatt PM, Edwards DJ, Simmons TL,Han Band Gerwick WH. The secondary metabolites and biosynthetic geneclusters of marine cyanobacteria. Applications in biotechnology. Frontiers in Marine Biotechnology (2006), 175-224.

36.Bingnan Han, Harald Gross, Douglas E. Goeger, Susan L. Mooberry, and William H. Gerwick. Aurilides B and C, Cancer Cell Toxins from a Papua New Guinea Collection of the Marine Cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscule. J. Nat. Prod. 2006, 69, 572-575.

37.Bingnan Han, Kerry L. McPhail, Harald Gross, Doug Goeger, Susan Mooberry, and William H. Gerwick. Isolation and Structure of Five Lyngbyabellin Derivatives from a Papua New Guinea Collection of the Marine Cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscule. Tetrahedron, 2005, 61, 11723-11729.

38.Bingnan Han, Doug Goeger, Claudia S. Maier, and William H. Gerwick. The Wewakpeptins, Cyclic Depsipeptides from a Papua New Guinea Collection of the Marine Cyanobacterium Lyngbyasemiplena. J. Org. Chem. , 2005, 70 (8), 3133

39.Bingnan Han, Kerry L. McPhail, Alessia Ligresti, Vincenzo Di Marzo, and William H. Gerwick. Semiplenamides A-G, Fatty Acid Amides from a Papua New Guinea Collection of the Marine Cyanobacterium Lyngabya semiplena. J. Nat. Prod., 2003, 66, 1364-1368.

40. Hao-Bing Yu, Yang Fan, Sun Fan, Guo-Yi Ma, Jian-Hong Gan, Wen-Zhen Hu,Bing-Nan Han, Wei-Hua Jiao, and Hou-Wen Lin. Cytotoxic aaptamine derivatives from the South China Sea sponge Aaptos aaptos.Journal of Natural Products, 77(9), pp 2124-2129, 2014/9/26.

41. Yang Fan, Yike Zou, Ru-Ping Wang, Hamann Mark T, Hong-Jun Zhang, Wei-Hua Jiao,Bing-Nan Han, Shao-Jiang Song, and Hou-Wen Lin. Relative and absolute stereochemistry ofdiacarperoxides: antimalarial norditerpene endoperoxides from marine sponge Diacarnus megaspinorhabdosa.Marine Drugs, 12(8), pp 4399-4416, 2014/8.

42. Wei-Hua Jiao, Ting-Ting Xu, Hao-Bing Yu, Guo-Dong Chen, Xiao-Jun Huang, Yang Fan, Yu-Shan Li,Bing-Nan Han, Xiao-Yan Liu, and Hou-Wen Lin. Dysideanones A-C, Unusual Sesquiterpene Quinones from the South China Sea Sponge Dysidea avara. Journal of Natural Products, 77(2), pp 346-350, 2014/2.

43. Wei-Hua Jiao, Ting-Ting Xu, Hao-Bing Yu, Feng-Rong Mu, Jia Li, Yu-Shan Li, Fan Yang,Bing-Nan Han, and Hou-Wen Lin. Dysidaminones A–M, cytotoxic and NF-kB inhibitory sesquiterpene aminoquinones from the South China Sea sponge Dysidea fragilis.RSC Advances, 4(18), pp 9236-9246, 2014/1/20.

44. Wei-Hua Jiao, Li Jing, Liu Qian, Ting-Ting Xu, Guo-Hua Shi, Hao-Bing Yu, Yang Fan,Bing-Nan Han, Li Min, and Hou-Wen Lin. Dysidinoid A, an Unusual Meroterpenoid with Anti-MRSA Activity from the South China Sea Sponge Dysidea sp.Molecules, 19(11), pp 18025-18032, 2014.

45. Yan Min, Zhu Yan, Hong-Jun Zhang, Wei-Hua Jiao,Bing-Nan Han, Zhao-Xi Liu, Qiu Feng, Wan-Sheng Chen, and Hou-Wen Lin. Anti-inflammatory secondary metabolites from the leaves of Rosa laevigata. BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 21(11), pp 3290-3297, 2013

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