Email:gqchen@zstu.edu.cn; chen.guiqian@vip.163.com
陈贵钱博士,副教授,硕士生导师,浙江省钱江人才项目获得者。2018年11月加入浙江理工大学。浙江大学细胞生物学理学博士,博士期间荣获国家留学基金委项目资助,前往美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校从事博士课题研究,毕业后分别在美国康奈尔大学威尔医学院和美国佐治亚大学从事博士后。主持国家自然科学项目1项,浙江省自然科学基金项目3项,参与美国1项Craig H. Neilsen Foundation课题项目、国家自然科学基金2项,在Cellular Molecular Life Sciences、Developmental Dynamics、Bone Research等杂志发表SCI论文14篇,兼任多个国际学术杂志审稿人。Google学术总他引次数2800多次,单篇他引次数1600多次,荣获杂志颁发最高文章引用奖。主持教育部产学协同育人项目1项,作为主编之一出版高等教育出版社数字化课程一门,荣获全国生命科学微课教学比赛二等奖,荣获2021年度校级三育人先进个人。指导本科生获得新苗、国创、省级/国家级生命科学竞赛等多项。
1、 骨发育与骨代谢调控的分子机制,尤其关注间充质干细胞命运决定的遗传分子机制
2、 骨与关节疾病的损伤修复与再生机理
3、 骨RANKL与SOST纳米抗体药物活性的临床前研究
2018- Member, Society of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology
2016- Member, Society for Developmental Biology, USA
2015- Member, Developmental Biology Alliance, UGA, USA
2015-2018 Member, Association for Chemoreception Sciences, USA
2015-2017 Member, AAAS/Science, USA
2014-2016 Member, The New York Academy of Sciences, USA
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81400489,胚胎组织来源不同的额骨和顶骨的转录组表达谱的差异分析及其在头颅骨发育中的作用,2015/01-2017/12,23万元,结题,主持
2. 美国Craig H. Neilsen Foundation,339836,脊髓损伤下神经轴突的蛋白合成和降解功能研究(Protein synthesis and degradation in dystrophic axons following spinal cord injury),09/30/15-09/30/17,30万美金,在研,参与
3. 浙江省公益技术研究计划,LGF19H140002,Nf2介导的内源性骨再生对损伤性骨组织修复和再生的分子机制,2019/01/01/-2021/12/31,10万,在研,主持
4. 浙江省人力资源与社会保障厅,Nf2联动Hippo和TGF-beta信号通路调控颅骨发育的分子机制研究。 2020/01/01/-2023/12/31,5万,在研,主持
5. 一种促骨再生愈合药物的分子机制研究,校医合作项目,2019/01-2020/12,14万,主持
6. 骨肽制剂在骨质疏松模型中的治疗效果评估与分析,校企合作项目,2021/01-2021/12,20万,主持
7. 高活性生物药物创新制备关键技术研究及成果转化,2019年第一批湖州市“南太湖精英计划”领军型创新团队,140万,骨干参与
邀请报告Invited Seminars
2020/09 浙江省生物化学与分子生物学学会,台州,中国
2017/03 Animal & Dairy Science Department, University of Georgia, Athens, USA
2015/07 Regenerative Bioscience Center, University of Georgia, Athens, USA
口头报告Oral Presentations
2017/05 SDB Southeast Regional Meeting. Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, USA
海报报告Poster Presentations
2018/10 Chinese Society of Osteoporosis and Bone Mineral Research, Suzhou, China
2018/10 Society of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology (41th), CA, USA
2017/05 Developmental Biology Alliance, University of Georgia, Athens, USA
2017/04 Association for Chemoreception Sciences (39th), Bonita Springs, Florida, USA
2016/08 Society for Developmental Biology Annual Meeting (75th), Boston, MA, USA
2016/05 Regenerative Engineering & Medicine Retreat (REM), Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA
2016/04 Association for Chemoreception Sciences (38th), Bonita Springs, Florida, USA
2015/12 World Stem Cell Summit, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
2014/09American Society for Bone and Mineral ResearchAnnual Meeting. Houston, USA
1. J Liao, Y Huang, Q Wang, S Chen, C Zhang, D Wang, Z Lv, XZhang, M Wu,G Chen*. Gene regulatory network from cranial neural crest cells to osteoblast differentiation and calvarial bone development. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2022 (IF 9.26)
2. M. Ishan,G. Chen, W. Yu, Z. Wang, M. Giovannini, X. Cao, H.X. Liu, Deletion of Nf2 in neural crest-derived tongue mesenchyme alters tongue shape and size, Hippo signalling and cell proliferation in a region- and stage-specific manner, Cell Prolif (2021) e13144 (IF 6.81)
3. S.N. Juma, X. Gong, S. Hu, Z. Lv, J. Shao, L. Liu,G. Chen*, Shark New Antigen Receptor (IgNAR): Structure, Characteristics and Potential Biomedical Applications, Cells 10(5) (2021) (IF 6.6)
4. M. Liu, Y. Hu,G. Chen*, The Antitumor Effect of Gene-Engineered Exosomes in the Treatment of Brain Metastasis of Breast Cancer, Front Oncol 10 (2020) 1453 (IF 6.24)
5. M. Ishan, G. Chen, C. Sun, S.Y. Chen, Y. Komatsu, Y. Mishina, H.X. Liu, Increased activity of mesenchymal ALK2-BMP signaling causes posteriorly truncated microglossia and disorganization of lingual tissues, Genesis 58(1) (2020) e23337 (IF 2.48)
6.G. Chen*, H. Xu, Y. Yao, T. Xu, M. Yuan, X. Zhang, Z. Lv, M. Wu, BMP Signaling in the Development and Regeneration of Cranium Bones and Maintenance of Calvarial Stem Cells, Front Cell Dev Biol 8 (2020) 135 (IF 6.68)
7.G. Chen*, Y. Yao, G. Xu, X. Zhang, Regional difference in microRNA regulation in the skull vault, Dev Dyn 248(10) (2019) 1009-1019 (IF 3.78)
8. X. Zhang, G. Shi, X. Sun, W. Zheng, X. Lin,G. Chen*, Factors Influencing the Outcomes of Artificial Hip Replacements, Cells Tissues Organs 206(4-5) (2018) 254-262 (IF 2.48)
9. T. Wu,G. Chen*, F. Tian, H.X. Liu, Contribution of cranial neural crest cells to mouse skull development, Int J Dev Biol 61(8-9) (2017) 495-503 (IF 2.2)
10. G. Chen, M. Ishan, J. Yang, S. Kishigami, T. Fukuda, G. Scott, M.K. Ray, C. Sun, S.Y. Chen, Y. Komatsu, Y. Mishina, H.X. Liu, Specific and spatial labeling of P0-Cre versus Wnt1-Cre in cranial neural crest in early mouse embryos, Genesis 55(6) (2017) (IF 2.48)
11. M. Wu,G. Chen, Y.P. Li, TGF-beta and BMP signaling in osteoblast, skeletal development, and bone formation, homeostasis and disease, Bone Res 4 (2016) 16009 (IF 13.57)
12.G. Chen, C. Deng, Y.P. Li, TGF-beta and BMP signaling in osteoblast differentiation and bone formation, Int J Biol Sci 8(2) (2012) 272-88 (IF 6.58)